Sunday, February 16, 2014

ELTP (Unofficial) Blog's Best Numbers of All-Time

The current activity for $eltp has indeed proven beneficial for this (unofficial) blog's numbers. We can't complain, but also feel this is only an initial wave of attention. Below is a list of the 10 most recent high-ranking search results:

1. is elite pharmaceuticals a real company 
2. chances of eltp fda approval 
3. dr lowenstein 
4. eltp 
5. elite pharm takeover 
6. elite pharmaceutical good or bad investment 
7. elite pharmaceutical trials 
8. elite pharmaceuticals keep or sell
9. elite pharmaceuticals to amex 
10. elite pharmacudicals poison pill 
Bonus #11:  elite pharma unofficial blog  (Nice Search!)

If you found this blog via these searches (or any other searches) we welcome you!  This blog is produced in a manner to stay positive tho without developing the reputation of being "pumptarded," caring only to address promises and "forward looking statements."  We're optimistic because ELTP has a lot going for it.  And we respect the views that the pharmaceutical world is simply a sick and twisted machine.  We are trying to insert the good and the bad to keep it a room for objective thought.  As an investor, I prefer to keep things that way.   I know it's difficult to read the facts sometimes when researching a company.  Especially if you don't know a particularly huge amount about the sector you are investing in.  I have never felt especially down on ELTP since I began following the company in 2010, and I even did my own controlled intervention to test ELTP meddle.

See, one time I was invested in a gold mining company that sold me the world (or all the gold in the Bakkan valley).  In one message board I was affiliated with at the time, there were about 30 of us regular posters all giving the stock ye ol' forward push, while one man stood there, daily, hourly, minute by minute.  He was the only one, and he was killing our buzz hard.  And he made me seek answers to the doubts he was raising but I didn't want to believe him and I even bought more to spite that bastard.  I was a newbie if you couldn't tell.  I had just done some great things in 2011 with a couple nice plays (thanks Siri, and F) but what happened was that one man, against the hopes and pumps of the 30+ of us was 100% right and I lost 95% of that investment in the gold mining POS.  The test came when I had him get back to me on ELTP in early 2012.  The best he could give me is that ELTP was nothing and was most likely going to be BK by YE 2012.   That should have scared me considering the company was at a low point, but knowing what I knew at that time, and knowing that there was no way this "crusader" as I likened him to was able to have the instinctual reaction to his assessment.  But I didn't invest to spite him or react emotionally whatsoever.  I had grown since the gold prospectors (aka scammy CEO) ran down Basin Gulch screaming "Yipppee!" I'm cautious because there's a lot to yet be proven by ELTP and their leadership, multiple dollars is the current buzz, when only a couple short months ago we were all tiring of our wait to get back to .24!  There's no illusion, there's no sure thing for sure.  But there's a LOT happening in terms of agenda.  And if this upcoming conference call doesn't sound incredible you're probably dead.

Don't be dead and continue the upward trend.