Monday, September 14, 2015

A solid $ELTP post on iHub

ice_n_ak   Monday, 09/14/15 06:30:03 PM
Re: None
Post # of 165033 
Share ownership.

I have invested in the stock market since my father introduced it to me back before there were computers, cell phones, and many of the current publicly traded companies. It was the grand ol days of having a broker call a broker to buy, sell, or short stocks. Information was sparse at best with the only reliable news coming from the likes of Wall Street Journal or Barron's. Nowadays that has all changed.

As can be seen by the vast input by various members of iHub there is a plethora of information. This along with the vast information coming from those posted on the web concerning every aspect of a traded company makes trading both easier and confusing.

For ELTP the stock price has been interesting to watch. One would think it would be more volatile, much in the way so many other companies trade and yet there is a feeling of control, much in the way the market has this company locked in place. It has been this way since management did the SEC filing about preferred shares issued in a buyout to those shareholders of record before the date.

I'm curious to know if any of you know percentage of ownership. We know the holdings by management, I know the ownership by me, but as for SEC filings with those holding 5% or more there is not much. For example: Insiders and 5% owners total 4% (according to Yahoo) This leaves the majority of shares being owned by 'others'

I wonder if 'big pharma' is somehow involved with price 'control'. I'd love to see the roster of owners and the number of shares involved.

I'm sticking with my feeling that this company is NOT under the radar and that those who need to know know FULL well the value of this company. It will be bought out. I say this because I heard from the CEO's mouth that he would sell if the price were right.

For those who don't know how a company is priced in a buyout the price usually hinges on an average price for a set number of days, those days are figure outs BEFORE the announcement of a buyout.

I guess one has to make the decision when the announcement for a buyout comes out. Sell when the pps goes up or stay with the company stock symbol changes to teva or pfe. I plan on doing both.