Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Thanks, Lasers (from Ihub) $ELTP

Elite’s 1st Generation Patents

8,182,836 Patent….Patent Application 12/478,952
8,425,933 Patent….Patent Application 12/640,344
8,703,186 Patent….Patent Application 13/863,764

8,182,836 Patent….Patent Application 12/478,952

This is the 1st of the Triple Patents and has been awarded to $ELTP based on its ADT Pharmacological approach of neutralizing opioid agonist abuse with an opioid antagonist that have been administered together.

8,425,933 Patent….Patent Application 12/640,344

This is the 2nd of the Triple Patents and has been awarded to $ELTP based on its 2-bead modular approach of identical physical attributes for separate agonist bead and an antagonist bead. This 2-bead tech is $ELTP Preferred Embodiment and is graphically illustrated on $ELTP website.

8,703,186 Patent….Patent Application 13/863,764

This is the 3rd of the Triple Patents and has been awarded to $ELTP based specifically on the manufacturer details for the 50 mg Naltrexone bead and its sequestering polymer to absolutely minimize Naltrexone leakage. The 50 mg Naltrexone bead is premade and can be used with any agonist opioid both type and expected dosage ranging up to 24 HR ER. The Preferred Embodiment supports the 2-bead modular technology outlined in $ELTP’s 8,425,933 Patent where unidentifiable agonist and antagonist beads are mixed together in one capsule.

In addition general broad-brush reference is made to a non-modular single bead technology manufactured with layering the agonist on to the antagonist but no specific manufacturing illustrations are given that can actually be patented. So it remains as a trade-secret or basis for a possible future single bead patent or simply $ELTP keeping its R&D “possibilities” open

Elite’s 2nd Generation ADF Patents and Patent Applications

Patent 9,056,054

Patent Application 13/379486

Patent Application 14/714,552

Thursday, October 22, 2015

$ELTP Posts Positive Phase 3 Results for ELI200!

NORTHVALE, N.J., Oct. 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Elite" or the “Company") (ELTP) today announced positive top-line results from the Phase 3 pivotal trial of its lead opioid abuse-deterrent candidate, ELI-200, for the treatment of moderate to severe pain.
The pivotal trial met its primary endpoint (p = 0.001), demonstrating statistical significance that the product provided pain relief following surgery in the treatment group using ELI-200 compared to the placebo group. Secondary endpoint results were consistent with primary findings and included safety measures. There were no serious adverse events or deaths related to ELI-200 reported during the conduct of the trial.
Elite intends to submit a New Drug Application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for abuse-deterrent ELI-200 by year-end.
"I am pleased with completing this important step in the commercialization of our first abuse-deterrent product, ELI-200," said Nasrat Hakim, President and Chief Executive Officer of Elite. "The next significant step will be the submission of the NDA for ELI-200 which I expect to occur by year-end.”

Monday, October 19, 2015

And The Rumor Mill Continues To Run, Tick-Tock!

VIA IHUB Boards (interpret as you will.. do your own DD!)

no2koolaid Member Level 
Monday, 10/19/15 09:04:29 AM
Re: John_Langston post# 167160
Post # of 167205 
Strategists employ a range of means to assess the value and risks of a prospective acquisition target. As such, I thought I would share one aspect of that with the board. Those who are technical traders should enjoy these research findings, as they are grounded in statistical analysis.

To that end, there seems to be misinformation about Elite and its stock price, some indicating that the p/s will hit 2 cents or even that the company may go bankrupt. While BK was a possibility around 2006, it would seem it is not today. But, it was that very argument that caused me to look at Elite’s current financial situation using Altman Z-score. And, let me say at the onset, Elite’s Altman Z-score places it well above the range that would be considered a risk. In fact, its specific Z-score places it in a strong financial position for future success; as anyone who conducted the objective analysis would find.

Now my purpose was not merely to point out that the speculations about Elite’s financial position were unfounded, I also wanted to address the misinformation about the share price being at risk of dropping to what? Two cents! For the p/s to hit an historic low there must be more than psychological factors in support of a 90% plus drop. There must be a causal financial impact that would transcend even a failed P-3 because, again, the Altman Z-score is based on current financials and the financials would not change with a failed P-3.

Now, I know the question that insightful people would want to know right now. If the Altman Z-score is statistically related to bankruptcy, is there a relationship between a company’s share price and its Z-score? Well, there is. The stronger the financials indicated in the calculation of the Z-score the more we see ascending share prices and, thus, the lower the score based on poorer financials, the lower the p/s. But, don’t take my word for it, please do take the time to read this research from a first class academic journal, the Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing.

no2koolaid Member Level Monday, 10/19/15 10:42:35 AM
Re: Clarendon post# 167187 Post # of 167205 You are most welcome. On your question, I would only use the most recent data. To do otherwise would create a statistical bias. As to the score, as you know there are eight specific categories and there is little variability when filling in the blanks though there may be some depending on what is used, as you noted. Still, I do not wish to have this discussion go off-track because someone got a different score and seeks to suggest the difference is reflective of an inaccurate measure. As you may know, Altman later worked with two others to create another scoring mechanism based on his original work and this is viewed as a second generation model, which uses seven categories. Using that version, we see that it also shows Elite to be economically sound and at no risk financially; again supporting the argument that the p/s should be ascending not declining because Elite's financial position, irrespective of the P-3, should continue to improve.

richme Member Level  Monday, 10/19/15 11:36:43 AM
Re: no2koolaid post# 167195
 Are you suggesting that if P-3 results are irrelevant when it comes to being "economically sound and at no risk financially" and if so how would Elite's position continue to improve since its generic ONLY SOURCE OF REVENUE short of diluting is not increasing.

Further if the factors used in developing the score are unknown that fits nicely with NH's bias towards secrecy. Very convenient.

Couch Member Level  Monday, October 19, 2015 11:48:43 AM
Re: richme   
 Pure misinformation - ELTP CFP off of operations alone- and Elite's revenue streams increasing quarter over quarter.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Attention: Phase III Results Are Coming

Reportedly, $ELTP is readying to release the Phase III results for testing their ELI200 ART. This drug has been in its Human Abuse Liability Study phase. Waiting for these results has, as can be expected, raised speculative brows as investors stake their claim. I've seen promises of $4.00 and .02 (and most everything in between) by chat-board warriors. Meanwhile, the company has recently recorded record revenues but the stagnation of the share price continues to inflame the rumors. Stay tuned, things are bound to get interesting, one way or another, before too long. Here's hoping for the best....