Sunday, February 16, 2020

Elite Pharmaceuticals In 2020

ELTP took a detour to becoming profitable by moving  from their push to fighting the opioid epidemic to other generics. The US has been said to have 50 million Adderall users, so why not dig in to that pie?  With all the roadblocks to getting their abuse resistant opioid line, their new drug pipeline is finally making some huge strides.  

So the latest numbers were released to a poor investor reaction despite setting a new standard by which to destroy in future reports.  Lackluster to wonderful in the chatrooms, and the day-after curse that's plagued $ELTP post-earnings report releases for years.  Late fall and winter has fared better for Elite in previous years which could signal a jump transition - something a lot of disappointed longs might also be feeling.  Ultimately it's going to have to be a perfect storm for The Company to get to my short-term post up at the .12-.13 range.  Honestly it's more work than many investors wanted or predicted for February, 2020.