Monday, June 6, 2022

Elite Pharmaceuticals Gets A Decent Review (March, 2022)

Well, I'm a little slow to this because the market has been tricky enough without bringing Elite into the mix, but since March 2022, when this review ran on youtube's RunningRobert's page, Elite has bucked at years long bearish movement. Last week Elite's stock began to bounce just enough for me to check out what I have missed recently. Adderall was a really great shift in the right direction for Elite and they are just a tad profitable. Anyway I share a lot of the sentiment in this video, and more similar reads could pop up if this really is a move higher for the stock.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

ELTP Continues to Bewilder

Remember the days when the transparency and  communication were at all-time high levels for Elite?   They always seem just a step from being a marketing blitz away from getting where they should be, in the .24 cent range where they once perched. 

They sure have pulled that rug out on that and have made it all about this Hakim liar. 

It's sad because they were once surefooted, but now they are just little pathetic and stagnant.  For the love of all that is holy, Mikah Hakim Rat whatever you wanna call him should MOVE.  Don't allow whatever opportunities to be squandered and rather do the set of steps required to get us all to where you were once so confident we'd be by now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022