Friday, October 7, 2011

ELTP's Strong Leadership

Here is a recent article discussing how ELTP is fighting FDA adversity by staying close to their strategy and not giving up. When the FDA slammed the door on Lodrane products, they did leave a key available for when required changes were concluded. ELTP struggled through and has now re-released their Lodrane product. From the article:
Their ability to find a solution to a pressing problem is impressive to say the least and recognizing that the current U.S. allergy market exceeds $3.5 billion ELTP knew they had to find their way back onto the shelf. It shouldn’t be lost on investors that given the removal of so many cough/cold allergy related products from the U.S. market the quick turnaround by ELTP and ECR now makes Lodrane D one of the only adult brompheniramine containing products available to the consumer.
Read the rest HERE.

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