Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Slump Buster: How Abuse Resistance Technology Works

Today ELTP stock took another drop, down to .34 a share. It's clear that the summer slump is extended. One thing I was a little discouraged to see was that Nasdaq Nasrat considering television spots a disruption, or interference or whatever he said. It's a summer slump, y'all - investors like me be going outta town if we're lucky. In this still rugged economy I'll drop this as an excuse tho look out for the DR Low's (ihub) of the world for they have surfaced. Constant negative vibe in every post and getting stronger each day the price doesn't blow up... but you gotta listen. These guys are right some of the time but definitely not every time. The sarcasm effect surely helps his overall argument. On better thought do yourself a favor and do the dd, there's years of prior stuff to sift through... and make up your own mind. When CEOs don't get checked or worse can't be checked they will lie to your jolly face. I've seen a few do just that, but on the flip side I've seen a few persevere. Stay objective my friend. #NasdaqNasrat

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014 $ELTP In The Summertime

The action never seems far away, but the last few days have been down tics for $eltp. Today we're scouring the Investor's Hub chat thread to see if there's even a shred of information worth walking away with today. Let's be honest, I know a lot of stock buyers who buy based on the DD they accumulate from message boards such as Yahoo and Ihub. But let's be sure that it would be incredibly rare to find a stock that doesn't have a decent amount of trolls and villains to counterweight those pumpers and feel-gooders. Reading technicals is just a bendy road to plod down if you don't really understand the numbers or meaning behind all the information. And even if you do, I've never been given that information that is the slam-dunk they claimed sans freak luck (e.g. game-changing PR). I doubt there's truly anyone who can draw a conclusion better than any of you armchair stock pickers. Give me someone with a more rounded vision than just numbers than I'm probably happier.

Twitter Says:

Platinum Members saw our Penny Stock Picks gain 4,000% in 4 months this year! Huge Update:

I like at these levels. This is one of those stocks that has a lot of potential catalysts - the 1000% type. Worth flipping for freebs.

 Not me, I prefer $ELTP in the dollars...  Now on to Ihub where the cast of characters grows along with the company.  A few short years ago it seemed there was interesting Yahoo board chatter, and that's where I'd go for most of my Elite rumorville action.  Nowadays Ihub has the most detail and the best responses but it takes ions to get to read enough posts to find one or two that capture the sentiment of the day.  The drama continues...

tangerine   Thursday, 07/10/14 10:09:28 AM
Re: richme post# 115508
Post # of 115561 
LOL. Who said that? Longs recognize the constant manipulation and misinformation that occurs as the stock is being accumulated again for the next run up. 
NASDAQ2020 Member Level  Thursday, 07/10/14 10:10:44 AM
Re: richme post# 115481
Post # of 115561 
How many ART opiods are in Elites lineup ? Is it 17 ,18, or 19?
Aqua   Thursday, 07/10/14 10:15:40 AM
Re: None
Post # of 115562 
I do not post much as I used to on account that Elite is on course and full speed ahead towards realizing its ART product line. I am sure that all longs are excited about the great things Hakim has planned in 2015 and 2016, which I reckon.

C H E E R $ !
(editor's note: She's a value investor!) 
DR Ryan   Thursday, 07/10/14 10:29:32 AM
Re: conix post# 115518
Post # of 115562 
Getting very close to 'load the boat' time on the chart.
Part 1 of 2...... 

Gman24   Thursday, 07/10/14 03:43:36 PM
Re: None
Post # of 115562 
Question for the board... I'm helping a friend out with a loss on another stock.

Is there any one here besides a select That does not think Elite's PPS will double by the end of this year... ??.. TIA...

Part 2 of 2....

tangerine   Thursday, 07/10/14 04:23:47 PM
Re: Gman24 post# 115551
Post # of 115562 
I believe if you buy ELTP you will make a very nice return over the next year or so. Probably around filing time depending on a few things. Also probably a pop or two between. I hate PPS predictions because as we know it is a manipulation game here but the value of the company is only going up.
John_Langston Member Level  Thursday, 07/10/14 06:32:34 PM
Re: None
Post # of 115562 
Not bad today but ELTP needs to stop releasing news so average Joe ELTP trader will stop dumping into it and maybe the ELTP PPS could rise. 
 And the drum circle continues...  There's a lot of know-it-alls anywhere you go in life, just remember to get as much fact behind your argument before investing here or anywhwere.  Invest only what you're willing to seek profits with, and potentially gain profits with.  Otherwise if you dump down too much money you'll just be stressed out if that day gets delayed.  Does ELTP require some luck?  I'm not sure what basis the government moves, the ebb and flow seemingly has no formula.  
Blue skies, folks.