Saturday, January 30, 2016

$ELTP Submits 505(b)(2) NDA for ELI-200! Big News!

A lot of folks on the message boards said this wouldn't happen for years, if ever.  Now most certainly they are doubting that it will be accepted.  What a day for Elite!!!


Elite submitted a 505(b)(2) NDA for ELI-200. Form 8-K On January 14, 2016

“On January 14, 2016, Elite submitted a 505(b)(2) NDA for ELI-200. FDA notification regarding acceptance of the submission for review is expected to take 6 to 12 weeks.”

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How is FDA waving Elite's filing fee anything but a good thing?

FDA Approves Waiver of NDA Filing Fee for Elite Pharmaceuticals

Elite to Submit New Drug Application for ELI-200


NORTHVALE, N.J., Jan. 13, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The United State Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) granted Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Elite" or the “Company") (ELTP) a waiver of the application fee required for the filing of a New Drug Application (NDA). Under section 736(d)(1)(E) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act the FDA may grant a waiver of the $2,335,200 NDA application fee for the first human drug application that a small business submits for review.
Elite will immediately submit a 505(b)(2) New Drug Application for its lead opioid abuse-deterrent candidate ELI-200, immediate-release Oxycodone Hydrochloride 5mg, 10mg, 15 mg, 20 mg and 30mg capsules with sequestered Naltrexone Hydrochloride, for the treatment of moderate to severe pain with the United States Food and Drug Administration. FDA notification regarding acceptance of the submission for review is expected to take 6 to 12 weeks.
"Having the FDA waive the application fee is a huge benefit to Elite. We will file the ELI-200 submission immediately. I look forward to hearing from the FDA concerning a notification of the acceptance for review in the coming weeks,” said Nasrat Hakim, President and Chief Executive Officer of Elite.


Hakim Named ELTP's Chairman of the Board

NORTHVALE, N.J., Jan. 13, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Elite" or the “Company") (ELTP) announced that Jerry Treppel has resigned as the Company’s Chairman and as a member of the Board of Directors, effective January 11, 2016, to pursue other opportunities.
The Board of Directors has appointed Nasrat Hakim, Elite’s President and CEO to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
“I want to thank Jerry for his years of dedicated service and contributions to the company, and I wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” said Mr. Hakim.
Mr. Treppel stated, “I am proud of the accomplishments of the company during my time on the Board. It has been my pleasure to work with Elite’s team and I am confident that the company is well-positioned for the future as it continues to execute on its strategy.”

 So what is the point?  Anyone out there in comment-land have any idea why this happened?   Was this to open up a seat on the board for someone new?  Who could it be??

Sunday, January 10, 2016

This $ELTP blog has been right and wrong

Since I began following Elite Pharmaceuticals 6 years ago I can say that there has been a lot to cheer and jeer concerning how far management has actually come.  We have seen Jerry step aside at the best possible time and the entrance of Hakim (aka Mikah).  Overall he has kept ELTP a contender in the ADT drive for market-share.  Shareholders are happy about many milestones, a hefty product pipeline, non-fluff PR, a conservative approach to an incredibly difficult sector of the market and individual product successes.  Of course that wouldn't come without speculation, broken time-windows, a long played-out FDA process, and of course years of awaiting the arrival of their star AFT formula.

In the meanwhile, in between PR and approvals, we have chat threads to gather DD from folks on chat boards with a deeper understanding of the medication development processes and other speculation on both sides of the fence.  The pumpers and the dumpers are polar opposite in their views, while most of Elite's most knowledgeable and objective posters have removed themselves from the conversation for good measure.

More than ever the speculation is doom or glory, IMO, if there's a REJECTION stamp from the FDA for Elite's ELI-200 formula, are we looking at a collapse?  With all Elite has going for them, including a recent successful Phase-3 study under the belt (The pivotal trial met its primary endpoint (p = 0.001), demonstrating statistical significance that the product provided pain relief following surgery in the treatment group using ELI-200 compared to the placebo group. Secondary endpoint results were consistent with primary findings and included safety measures. There were no serious adverse events or deaths related to ELI-200 reported during the conduct of the trial.), you would like to think the safeguards are in place.  I won't speculate much further than this, but last week's poor performance can be be blamed on various factors including China, submission waiting (for their ADT) to FDA,  or a lack of share volume.  

Major Direct Holders (Forms 3 & 4)
NIGALAYE ASHOK G40,442,232May 21, 2015
HAKIM NASRAT A13,760,695Oct 30, 2015
NARINE JEENARINE12,262,006Dec 31, 2015
TREPPEL JERRY9,196,769Nov 18, 2015
DASH BARRY H1,084,229Mar 5, 2015