Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hakim Named ELTP's Chairman of the Board

NORTHVALE, N.J., Jan. 13, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Elite" or the “Company") (ELTP) announced that Jerry Treppel has resigned as the Company’s Chairman and as a member of the Board of Directors, effective January 11, 2016, to pursue other opportunities.
The Board of Directors has appointed Nasrat Hakim, Elite’s President and CEO to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
“I want to thank Jerry for his years of dedicated service and contributions to the company, and I wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” said Mr. Hakim.
Mr. Treppel stated, “I am proud of the accomplishments of the company during my time on the Board. It has been my pleasure to work with Elite’s team and I am confident that the company is well-positioned for the future as it continues to execute on its strategy.”

 So what is the point?  Anyone out there in comment-land have any idea why this happened?   Was this to open up a seat on the board for someone new?  Who could it be??

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