Sunday, May 29, 2016

How ART Works

Elite’s proprietary abuse-deterrent technology, ART™, is a multi-particulate capsule which contains an opioid agonist in addition to naltrexone, an opioid antagonist used primarily in the management of alcohol dependence and opioid dependence. When this product is taken as intended, the naltrexone is designed to pass through the body unreleased while the opioid agonist releases over time providing therapeutic pain relief for which it is prescribed. If the multi-particulate beads are crushed or dissolved, the opioid antagonist, naltrexone, is designed to release. The absorption of the naltrexone is intended to block the euphoria by preferentially binding to same receptors in the brain as the opioid agonist and thereby reducing the incentive for abuse or misuse by recreational drug abusers. Elite’s pharmacological approach to abuse-deterrence can be applied to a wide range of opioids used today in pain management.


  1. The question I have is this.....if methods of overdose is highest by route of oral consumption how does their ARC technology and multiparticulate design deter from misuse and abuse via oral consumer?

    The naltrexone is weak when consumed by swallowing. So if a person wants to take 10 pills to get high there is no deterrence of abuse via this route.

    Or is there literature available from Phase 3 saying their deterrence is also for swallowing too?

  2. Sorry auto corrected ART to say ARC. I meant ART

  3. Sorry auto corrected ART to say ARC. I meant ART
