Thursday, July 14, 2016

ELTP Shareholders Still Waiting For An Answer on SequestOx

You're not the only one interested in knowing the outcome from the FDA.  The agonizing wait compounded by pumpers and blasters going at it tooth and nail, night and day, 24/7.  Lots of folks questioning the way trading "doesn't appear to be typical" of a company about to have a drug approved by the FDA.  Other's calling it a slam dunk.  There's really nobody to believe, but perhaps my favorite quote came today by a poster who reminded us that "no news is good news."
So much hope with so much history of waiting (to no avail) has proven a toxic scene at the IHUB board. If you want to avoid heartache, panic, name calling, personal attacks, venomous rumor mongering, trash talking, and the like, just be a good investor and do some more research.  Who knows, maybe you will be standing on the correct side of whatever decision comes down.  It's a game.  I'm a baller and enjoy the drama but that does not mean you should.

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