Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What The Hell Is It This Time?

Elite is in a interesting place.  Some claim to know what IS bound to happen next, but I do not.  Yes, if you listen to everything you read you're going to have a personal shakedown.  And so you seek what might be sitting upright just around the bend and you get this shit...

For sure if you read the IHUB boards it's easy to get bullied into being scared really quick. Like this comment from one guy:

Elite should make a new 52 week low once the real Sequest results come out... and they will but not through the efforts of the company. Not this time around!!

This time I have a little surprise prepared
Watch & learn

There should be another side, right? Of course - Oh wait, that same guy also added this, "The closer to Friday, the lower Elite seems to be going... wonder why?"

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