Tuesday, November 17, 2020

ELTP full faith and credit and ready to shine brightly

This is the dawning of the age of Elite Pharmaceuticals.  Today was a reporting of their quarterly, which was hit by the shutdown, so get in now while the prices are at the bottom.  This company has been rock steady for a long time running so what is keeping this so damn low?  Carter Ward, today stated:
"Revenues for the quarter ended September 2020 were $7.4 million, that's compared to $4.6 million for the September 2019 quarter, a $2.8 million or 60% increase as compared to the same quarter last year. The increase was driven by revenues from generic extended release Adderall, which was launched on March 30 of this year, and we also saw strong growth as compared to last year for generic immediate release Adderall."
60% increase in revenues but the same results as, historically, happens the day of a typical Elite conference call, a drop in pps.
Later we will take a look at the boards to see what the stock geeks are reporting, but right now looks like a discount.  

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