Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When Elite Traded Much Higher

For some time, Elite Pharma ran at a much higher pps.  Currently, investors are agonizing over the current .083 price as of 08/23/11 close.  The stock has basically flatlined since the year end 2008.  The current team working behind the scenes has set off on a course that can and has been under heavy scrutiny on any of the major stock investment chat boards.

There has been a couple significant delays, and less than fully impressive earnings reports and conference calls.

Will there be a merger?

Will there be a major drug produced?

Will there be finally be rewards for the stockholders?

Long and strong has been the motto.  But how long is long?  Those that are dedicated are making their pitch.  And in our observations, it has been the bashers who come and go, setting destruction along their path with no more real "truths" than anyone else.  Ultimately, the company must come through on more of their promises for extended profits on all fronts.

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