Wednesday, November 4, 2015

$ELTP Conference Call Next Week - Here's Some Potential Questions for Mgmt

**** Elite Pharmaceuticals Conference Call Questions ****

Those participating in ELTP’s Conference Call Q&A session are limited to asking one question following ELTP management’s opening statements. To make the most of this Q&A opportunity, suggest that we come up with a list to share of top questions to ask:

(Copy/paste the latest posted list and add your question(s) at the end of the list)

1. Any plans for ELI-154?

2. Now that the NDA filing is very near to completion, what are the status updates on ELI 201 and 202? Has the FDA given any indication (or have they been asked) about reduced trial requirements for ELI products that are similar to ELI 200? HAL studies and Phase 3s required for every single product?

3. Update on ELI-202 BE?

4. Any generics moving up the ladder to commercialization?

5. Elite had an agreement with Epic for 8 drugs where Elite gets a 15% profit split. Elite is no longer proceeding with the last 7 drugs. However, the first and only drug has been filed with the FDA for 3 1/2 years now and we haven't heard anything. Do you have any updates on this?

6. Are there any numbers yet on the sales of Isradpin?

7. Status update on the arbitration of Phentermine with Precision Dose?

8. Given Elite's generic NDA ART line takes less time and money to bring to market than Elite's once daily Eli 216 product, what are the current plans for this product? How likely is it to partner a combo Eli 201 and 216 together? How quickly are you planning to move forward with this product since there is no other once daily abuse resistant product on the market?

9. What is the up to date information on the Public Float and Shares Outstanding for ELTP?

10. Given Nasrat's experience working at Alpharma and Actavis... Does he think Elite's patents are different enough from Purdue not to move toward legal avenues? If not, does Nasrat believe royalties fees would be the end result for Elite?

11. How does Elite's ADT compare to other ADT products that purport to detour swalling a handful of pills? What would it take to get Elite to attach "similar" ADT. How does Elite's microtablet technology improve on Elite's existing ADT? What is the microtablet technology worth once Elite begins to market its ADT opioids?

12. Did Epic ever settle with Purdue?

13. Does Epic have plans to ramp up sales and marketing departments in anticipation of marketing ELI-200 or future ART drugs?

14. What are the chances of an Epic and Elite merger? What would a reverse merger do to the PPS?

15. What's the current status of Mikah and the relation between Mikah/Epic as well as any possible conflict of interest that relation can cause to Elite?

16. Will there be a new valuation/assessment?

17. Will there be any Pie Charts to show shareholders the increase in shares?

18. We seem to have been "flying under the radar" for quite awhile now. Does Nasrat plan on presenting at more conferences (Rodman and Renshaw and others) to promote awareness and interest in the company now that we are in the last stretch for ELI 200?

19. Since EPIC is going to be marketing its own ER ADT OXY and Elite's IR ADT OXY at the same time, which ADT will Epic be using.....Will it be a hard turtle shell version like Purdue/Actavis has agreed upon.......OR is EPIC going to be using a version of Elite's ADT?

20. What are the scenarios/circumstances that would engage Elite to pursue up listing to the Nasdaq or anything comparable?

21. The annual shareholders meeting - Status update?

22. What is the rational/need for issuing additional shares to Lincoln Park in light of the revenue that will be gained from the recent licensing agreement with Epic? If the goal is to uplist to Nasdaq, doesn't the continued issuance of shares impede this goal?

23. Status update on the new fluid bed dryer.

24. Regarding EPIC's Oxycodone Generic. Is it strictly EPIC's ANDA product? Did Elite help to develop EPIC's Oxycodone?

25. Elite requested and was granted accelerated filer status by the SEC. Why did Elite want to be an accelerated filer?

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