Thursday, November 5, 2015

IHUB's Thought of the Day on the Heels of Recent $ELTP PPS Surge

Steges   Thursday, 11/05/15 07:49:29 PM
Re: None
Post # of 170662 
Elite is up 60% so far this week. I'm not sure how anyone could call this anything other than folks are finally starting to realize that this is a real company with a blockbuster product line that is less than 10 months away from commercialization on the first of many abuse resistant opioids and has been largely under the radar to the investment, medical and pharma industries.

Just as illustration. When I attend medical conferences with preeminent thought leaders on pain and addiction, nobody knows about Elite. When we meet with our congressman and senators (the same members actually writing and submitting legislation to combat opioid abuse and call for ART/ADT mandates) they don't know about Elite. Now some might spin that as a negative, that Elite must not have anything special if nobody knows about them. Fair enough, let the PPS and material events be the scoreboard on that as we enter into this maturation period for Elite. This technology cannot be spun and a lot of these thought leaders, politicians, clinicians and pharma folks are going to either know Elite's name or see Elite's technology branded by one of the major household pharma companies over the next couple years.

I have owned this stock since 2004 and never felt more confident in the future. There have been some major ups and downs and a couple times it seemed like bankruptcy was inevitable. There is not need to dwell on the past, to get frustrated by how poorly the company was managed and think with bewilderment how it could have actually taken this long to get to this point, but rather, focus the attention firmly on the future. The reality is that this might be the only company any of us ever invest in that rewards us with such an outrageous bounty.

Since it seems like a lot of new investors are finding out about Elite, I implore you to do your own due diligence... read Elite's press releases and SEC filings. Note the individuals who have joined this company over the last couple years - they have significant pharma experience at some of the biggest and most successful companies in the industry. These folks do not leave the aforementioned companies to work at a little pharma company in Northvale, NJ - it just doesn't work that way.

I initially invested in Elite because of their delivery system, it's simple and brilliant. As an emergency physician day in and day out we grapple with appropriate pain management and responsible prescribing. There is no silver bullet but Elite's technology is incredible and there has never been a more pivotal need for it. I have seen some individuals post on this board that it is "a perfect storm" and I couldn't agree more.

Elite will not be the only company with ART/ADT opioids, if anyone thinks that it's categorically wrong. There are a few companies -- who like Elite -- show exceptional promise. The takeaway is that only a few will exist in a multi-billion dollar market.

It's almost beyond the realm of reality to think that any of us could invest in this company at its current price per share.

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