Sunday, June 5, 2016

A fair and balanced approach to ELTP: What you don't want to read

Ever been in a stock, maybe long term (years even!) or maybe you're a new investor finding all the things you'd consider positive.  Certainly Elite has offered tons of DD (dreamer's disease) over the years to keep either happy and frothing for more.

But there are times when someone comes along on your message board and appears to be full of anger, hatred, and negativity.  Meanwhile, they disguise one harrowing comment after the next in passive aggressiveness "LOL" or "ROFL" just daring you to jump your emo shark tank to show your fangs, already dripping with thick green investor blood.

That's business and that's the ELTP fare to be reckoned with on the daily.

Take Namtae because of the track record this person has on the message board circuit.  Namtae, if you don't know the approach taken, hits up message boards of companies that are full of promises and shatters all the pump with the Namtae brand of "truth." He's been on a few of the forums primarily ripping companies that are already in trips, or damn close, and reminds everyone how this badly operated the company is still blowing smoke up investor's asses.  Namtae isn't right all the time, but not wrong all the time either so when Namtae posts started popping up in ELTP's Ihub boards around April this year (I might be wrong, it's the first I noticed...) you have to wonder what may be this poster's true intent.

namtae   Saturday, 06/04/16 08:23:30 AM
Re: None
Post # of 203112 
ELTP is in deep, DEEP trouble with Eli200... it will not be labeled an abuse deterrent.. I GUARANTEE IT!!!

Jury is still out whether they even get approval

Nobody even noticing ELTP!!

Wheres the rise in share price as the only abuse deterrent drug about to get FDA approval??? It doesnt exist!!!

Wheres the tender offers from big pharma to license or acquire ELTP?? It doesnt exist!!!

When you connect a puzzle with all its pieces to form a picture, all the pieces fit together that eventually create the whole

Here, in ELTP land, none of the pieces fit together!! Nothing taking place with the share price, tender offers, big pharma licensing, ELTP mentions as competition...


Beware ELTP!! Youre in for a huge disappointment with this penny stock which is being dumped on shareholders daily!!

 Now you have a chance to ANSWER these comments and what a constituency Elite has in the audience.  

namtae   Wednesday, 04/27/16 10:59:56 AM
Re: None
Post # of 203115 
Epic Licensing fee - heres some info!

In the 10Q ending June 30, 2015, which encompasses.. the new Epic licensing agreement dated June 4th, LICENSING REVENUES for the quarter totaled the following:


Licensing Fees 403,999

The terms of the Epic agreement state:


{***} ({***}) shall be paid to Elite upon signing the agreement to be used for clinical studies including a bunionectomy.

Therefore, anywhere from $0 - $403,999 were supposed to be paid to ELTP upon signing the agreement, which occurred June 4th.

This is the apparent upfront cost to license the $multiBIllion Eli200.

To be clear, for the corresponding period in 2014, $207,645 were recorded for licensing fees

I'd be a little concerned if I were you 
 Scared?  Well this poster, WeeZuhl, doesn't seem to be bothered...

WeeZuhl Member Profile WeeZuhl   Wednesday, April 27, 2016 1:31:51 PM
Re: namtae post# 196946 Post # of 203116 
DD is hard.

Your mistake here is to confuse the 2013 Epic Agreement on generic drugs with the 2015 Epic Agreement on ELI-200. The $403,999 is cash received for the 2013 generic drugs, whereas the $5,000,000 ELI-200 milestone payment is on the very next line down of the original 10Q. If one is really interested in proper DD on this subject, one could refer to the discussion in the same 10Q of the "Milestone Method" of accounting for this $5,000,000 payment, which was subsequently re-stated following comment from SEC to realize the $5,000,000 over the entire term of the agreement. You can find the links for yourself, but the most relevant passage for those interested in accurate information on the ELI-200 milestone can be found here:


Please note that the $5 million payment received from Epic is non-refundable. Recognition of this payment as revenue on its date of receipt or over
the exclusivity period (currently coinciding with the five year term of the 2015 Epic License Agreement), does not alter the fact that the Company
is not required to return any portion of this $5 million received from Epic, and the Company can, and has, used these funds to advance the
Company’s business objectives. Accordingly, management believes that this correction of accounting error has no material effect on the
Company’s operations or future prospects.

Not concerned at all.


Epic Licensing fee - heres some info!

In the 10Q ending June 30, 2015, which encompasses.. the new Epic licensing agreement dated June 4th, LICENSING REVENUES for the quarter totaled the following:

Licensing Fees 403,999

Therefore, anywhere from $0 - $403,999 were supposed to be paid to ELTP upon signing the agreement, which occurred June 4th.

This is the apparent upfront cost to license the $multiBIllion Eli200.

To be clear, for the corresponding period in 2014, $207,645 were recorded for licensing fees

I'd be a little concerned if I were you 

And adds....

WeeZuhl Member Profile WeeZuhl   Wednesday, April 27, 2016 9:07:03 PM
Re: namtae post# 196946 Post # of 203116 
You make an important point here, namtae


Licensing Fees 403,999

To be clear, for the corresponding period in 2014, $207,645 were recorded for licensing fees

As we discussed in my previous post, you are referring here to the revenue stream from the 2013 Epic Licensing Agreement for 12 generics, commonly referred to as the "Mikah generics". You very correctly point out that for the three month period ending in June, the revenue from this licensing agreement increased from $207,645 in 2014 to $403,999 in 2015. You make an excellent point, and I appreciate it. This is a 95% increase year over year, and in just the second year of the agreement.

I would further add to your excellent point that isradipine and hydroxyzine had only been on line for a few months at that time and were not likely big contributors to the 95% increase in revenue. Most of the increase is due to organic growth in the market share of phendimetrazine, which had been on line since 2012 from a previous license agreement with Mikah but which transferred to Elite with the Nasrat merger. I would recommend for any investor serious about DD to go back and read the transcripts of the conference calls. They're loaded with gems. Carter Ward talks about this in several of them. For all of their generics, they see an increase in market share as a function of time on the market. All of Elite's generics are infants in their markets (9 drugs launched so far in the 5 years of my ownership) and will continue to add market share as a function of time. Should be interesting to see the corresponding period for 2016, which will include an additional year of growth for all three drugs. And of course, this is just the revenue stream from the 2013 Epic agreement and does not even consider other Elite-owned ANDAS, such as phentermine and naltrexone, or other licenses, such as methadone.

Yes, a very important point, indeed. 
 Namtae is not always incorrect (you'd have lost money if you followed Namtae's advice with PBIO) in his "truth" posts on message boards of companies he follows around.  It should also be stated that his timing with OXIS was a bit dubious.  We can presuppose he's on a mission to inform RAH RAH'ers of the frailties in a company's backbone structure:

namtae   Monday, 04/18/16 05:42:23 AM
Re: RoagTrader post# 7797
Post # of 7870 
OXIS is being dumped like it has been for years and years. The company is a total POS run by a career penny stock ceo with a long list of failures in his background

He's Kesslers puppet who's only function is to keep OXIS in existence so the dumping can continue. 

Ok, but where were you in December when traders REALLY needed this advice?  Who cares, his intro to the ELTP boards could have used some smoothing though - 

namtae   Tuesday, 04/19/16 07:43:45 PM
Re: Couch post# 195125
Post # of 203120 
ELTP a total POS headed much lower.
Seems that would tend to perturb long-term investors who've been around 5 or more years and what a setup for future inflammatory comments!  Hopefully it's one of the many perks of being long-term part of a company's legacy (or failure ta-boot) to the company's ability to assertively apply band aids to the wounds when these types of inquiries are introduced.

Who's Responsible?  Unanswered Questions

namtae   Wednesday, 04/20/16 09:56:46 AM
Re: Gman24 post# 195239
Post # of 203121 
Is that the formula for success?

Lets see, just loan the company $1m and have 25% ownership and presto, instant multibillion dollar company

Now I understand why ELTP is such a hot stock..

Did it occur owning $50m+ of over valued paper makes a $1m loan very easy to make??

And if ELTP is doing so well, has a great current ratio, whys the CEo need to loan ELTP $1m??

See, LP is only thing keeping ELTPs doors open. Should the market for ELTP shares dry up volume wise, the party will be over..
So they proper inquired!
Couch  Member Profile Couch Member Level  Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:00:11 AM
Re: namtae post# 195243 Post # of 203121 
Gee why don't you tell me how much money Elite makes off of their generics in a quarter and what the next 2 generics are that will launch???

When those 2 DD questions can be answered let me know -- until then - LMAO

And when was the last time you personally saw a OTC CEO loan his company $1 million - UNSECURED - ANSWER = NEVER
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COO2002COO Member Profile COO2002COO   Wednesday, April 20, 2016 10:03:25 AM
Re: namtae post# 195243 Post # of 203121 
In your opinion, what are the critical success factors for ELTP?
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Gman24 Member Profile Gman24   Wednesday, April 20, 2016 11:04:39 AM
Re: namtae post# 195243 Post # of 203121 
Yeah that's all it takes. So it should be extremely easy even for you to provide a list of all the other companies that have this happen. Still waiting for the list.!!!
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Did Namtae ever answer that one?  Anyway, just sayin' and remindin' to always go and do your own hardcore DD and try not to be persuaded one way or the other by what is currently being discussed in the wild chat board arena.  

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