Monday, June 20, 2016

Straight Talk From Nasrat Hakim

That was a long winded and I appreciate that. But what I can tell you is this. Whatever happened during -- I heard you mention Bernie Berk and anybody else’s eras, I heard everybody’s problems when I took over as CEO. From the time I have taken over as CEO, you’ve seen what was achieved in two years and 10 months; we went from $0.068 to about $0.30 plus. I have a vision, I have a plan I am executing on. I have a lot of people that have been pushing me to go to NASDAQ too early from former board members to top people on Wall Street and the answer is no. I have people trying to get me to borrow money and get in debt, so I can get projects going and the answer is conditional, and it’s mostly no. I will get us to where we are going in about three years. I am not going to lie to you about that and I am not going to pump up the stock or pump it down. I have a realistic plan that will get us where we are going. The expectations from the old days may have been valid; I wish I joined Elite 10 years ago; I could have gotten Oxy BID to the market and we’d all have been billionaires by now. The problem is for 10 years nothing happened and now today I am faced with an industry that everybody in their program wants the anti abuse. We’re no longer unique; we are one of many. Now, we have Pfizer and Teva and other companies that are playing in this field. Now, it’s a great honor for little Elite to throw its hat in the ring and be there with these giants. But the fact it costs a lot of money, money that we don’t have. How do you get this money? You’re going to get it through a deal like Lincoln Park, which really divides the burden among all of us shareholders. You want to start borrowing money and if a project doesn’t work, these people are going to come ask for their money and under that condition, we could end up bankrupt.

We are a solid company today, I know the folks who’ve been investing for 10 years are frustrated and have been waiting for a day where things will change. But today, we are a viable Company. If we don’t want to be ambitious and run R&D like crazy, we’re profitable. And we’re going to continue on that path till we get to a point where we are a viable company that gets on to NASDAQ. I cannot do any more or any faster. But, I’m a cautious guy, who gets the job done.


  1. Thanks for the post, Nasrat will get the job done! Looking forward to SequestOx launch!

  2. Thank you for the comment!!! This has been a really good week so far, momo fo sho.
