Sunday, June 26, 2016


And so it has been confirmed - the most idiotic statement in message board history has been posted, and someone (I'm not sure who yet, YOU?) is/are supposed to believe it has been confirmed.  I'm so glad it was posted.  Confirmed.  It has gone through rigorous scrutiny and now we the people have it confirmed - MUMBO JUMBO.  Days, months of posting has brought us here to this point and this point only and we have confirmation.  An exciting moment in internet history - CONFIRMED, stamped, sealed and now delivered here in a comment on this - the ONLY - message board of its kind (ihub is really the only place to have such a discussion...right?).  And because demand calls for no more or less, this message board has it confirmed!  That is correct, the deduction has now, once and for fucking all, been made for all members of the pharmaceutical world!  Here ye! Here ye! For the confirmation has now been made!  It's all over folks, go home.

namtae Member Level  Sunday, 06/26/16 12:09:55 PM
Re: lasers post# 207661
Post # of 207699 
Thanks for clearing that up


In the end however the person's own free will be the final and only deterrent. The addict's own personal battle to win or lose!

Now its confirmed Sequest isnt any more a deterrent as anything else... The only deterrent is the abuser him/herself
Time to jump off the bandwagons of these drug manufacturers like ELTP and their witches brew to deter addicts...its worthless mumbo jumbo

noun: deterrent; plural noun: deterrents
a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
synonyms:disincentive, discouragement, damper, curb, check, restraint

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